Working from home? According to, 70% of entrepreneurs are doing the same. Not to mention the thousands of people who stumble into working remotely as a repercussion of Covid-19. Today, we discuss how to go from "Hardly Working" to "Killing sh*t" while running your business from home.
Let's begin with my all-time personal favorite place to work from when at home.
Hint: Starts with a "B" and ends with a "D"🛏️
It's important to distinguish your work area from the places you relax and entertain if at all possible. Maybe you can't dedicate an entire room to your hustle, but you can section off space in a room and make it your hustle sanctuary in just a few steps.
So, this may seem like a no-brainer, but it in fact requires a little brain. You want to pick a room that is easily separated from "gathering" spaces in your home. What does this mean? A) Make sure your workspace or home office has a door. B) Don't set up shop in a common area like the kitchen! The last thing you want to do is welcome distractions. When working from home, your productivity heavily depends on your ability to focus.
Let a little sunshine...and fresh air in. For more reasons than one, having a space that boasts of natural light and allows you to see the world around you is a "Her Hustle Yes". For the same reasons, using your windowless basement as a workspace isn't something we'd recommend. Make sure the room you choose allows you to connect with your environment. Short form: windows. Take it a step further and place your office furniture in a way that encourages you to enjoy the view.
Check your wifi. I'm not sure when this happened, or if it's been this way and it's just starting to bother me, but nowadays your wifi isn't guaranteed at top speeds in every room of the house. Popular internet service providers sell the kind of wifi that is reliable in every room as an upgrade or premium service. This is why it's important to check your wifi connection in the room you choose. Trust me, you don't want to wait until you have that Zoom meeting to realize that your connection sucks.
Identify your Spatial needs. The amount of space you need will be determined by the activities and responsibilities involved in your daily hustle. Generally speaking, you'll need a desk. Grab a standing desk and skip the chair to maximize your space and remain active during your workday. If you want to go the traditional route because, like me, your brain needs you to pick and choose whether you want to be physically or mentally great (but not both) get you a chair.